Check Your Tone!

Dear ones,

The vagus nerve is the longest nerve in the body. It starts at the base of the brain and runs through the whole torso, through the neck via the vocal cords, then passes around the digestive system, liver, spleen, pancreas, heart and lungs. It is an integral nerve in the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for our rest and digest capacities, a calming and soothing force in our bodies. As opposed to the sympathetic nervous system which is responsible for our ‘fight or flight’ [stress] responses. 


The tone of the vagus nerve is important to our health and is key to how well our bodies adapt to stress and recover equilibrium after a stressful event. High vagal tone improves the functioning of many of the body’s systems, reduces the risk of strokes and heart attacks, reduces inflammation and pain, boosts immunity and regulates blood sugar levels. It’s also associated with feeling calmer and more contented. 


Simple ways to boost your vagal tone and reduce inflammation include: 

  • Humming breathing (Bhramari pranayama) – the easiest way to do this is simply to breathe in through your nostrils then hum as you exhale slowly. There are many variations but this is a good way to start. You can hum a favorite tune, or just a single note! 

  • Ujjayi breathing – also known as “whisper breath” or “ocean breath” – breathing with the glottis partially closed… stimulates the vocal cords which are intrinsically related to the vagus nerve. 

  • Alternate nostril breathing (Nadi Shodhan Pranayama) 

  • Chanting - “Om” or something else!


Regular practice of the techniques mentioned above will raise your vagal tone, boosting your immune system, reducing any inflammation and contributing to feelings of well-being and contentment. No pills necessary! 

(Excerpted from this article.)




Visualization Vacation


Metta: Loving-Kindness