Metta: Loving-Kindness
Dear Ones,
The Pali word Metta is a multi-significant term meaning loving-kindness, friendliness, goodwill, benevolence, fellowship, amity, concord, inoffensiveness and non-violence. The Pali commentators define Metta as the strong wish for the welfare and happiness of others (parahita-parasukha-kamana). Essentially, Metta is an altruistic attitude of love and friendliness as distinguished from mere amiability based on self-interest. (To read more about this tradition, click here.)
The practice of Metta meditation is one of sending a wish of loving-kindness to self, other and world. Research has shown this practice to be associated with an increase in wellbeing and physical health. It is also a soothing way to send care to people from a distance.
The practice follows a simple script, substituting the subject with each repetition to expand the circle to which your loving-kindness is extending. The practice often includes, sequentially: yourself; someone who loves you; someone you love or care for; a person who is difficult for you; a stranger; a community or group of people who are suffering; and all beings.
May I be filled with Loving-Kindness
May I be well
May I be peaceful and at ease
May I be healed and whole
May you be filled...
May he/she/xe/they be filled...
May we be filled...
May all beings be filled...
May all of you, and all of us, be filled with loving-kindness…
may you be well…
may you be peaceful and at ease…
may you be healed and whole.