Chilling Out
In times of intense emotions, elevated stress and increasing fear/anxiety, “chilling out” with literal cold sensations can offer options for quick relief for body and mind.
Growing Gratitude
Gratitude can be an attitude, but it’s even more powerful if it is also a daily practice. Research shows that practicing gratitude can reduce stress, increase well-being, and improve physical health. Skeptical? Give it a try!
Taking a Beat & Tune-ing In
It’s no wonder that in all the years I’ve been a social worker, “music” is the number one most frequent answer to the question “what are some things that help you through hard times?” The science on the benefits of music is significant, and there are lots of ways that music can support our healing & well-be-ing.
Visualization Vacation
Visualization practices can help us transport our minds (and our senses!) to the places we wish we could be, and the things we wish we could be doing, when we are limited in our ability to physically access those places or activities. See what happens in your mind and body if you take a “visualization vacation” each day!
Check Your Tone!
The Vagus Nerve runs through every major organ system in the body, and is integral to our nervous system’s rest & relaxation response. Cultivating high vagal tone through these practices can have significant health benefits, in addition to generating feelings of calm and contentment.
Metta: Loving-Kindness
Loving-Kindness practice, or Metta, can be a beautiful way to share care from a distance, and has a significant evidence base for improving well-being and overall mood.
Letters of Support
Letters are one of my favorite ways to process, express, witness and share my lived experience. This blog will mostly contain letters I have written to myself and others, with the intention of framing our experience in loving, relational ways and extending resources and support for difficult times.